
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

What is a Double Cross in Golf?

A double cross is a type of golf shot that is used to get the ball out of difficult situations. It is also known as a “belly” or “gut” shot. This type of shot requires a lot of practice and skill but can be very effective when executed correctly [1].

This can be a very advantageous move, as it can clear out space for your ball and make it easier to sink a putt.

In this blog post, we will discuss the different aspects of the double cross golf shot, and how you can improve your game by using it!

What Is a Double Cross?

When a player intended to hit a shot in one direction but the ball curves in the wrong direction, this is known as a double cross.

When a player is attempting to hit a fade or draw with the goal of causing the ball to curve in one particular direction, this is known as a double cross.

If the ball goes into a hook or slice, it will curve in the opposite direction, resulting in a double cross [2].

The disadvantage of this shot is that you will most likely end up far off the target line, resulting in a bogey.

This is why it is essential to be aware of your own skills and abilities when choosing a shot. If you are not confident in your abilities to hit a fade or draw, it is best to choose a different shot.

What Is a Double Cross?

The double cross can happen to any player, even the pros. In fact, Tiger Woods himself has said that the double cross is one of the hardest shots to hit consistently. While it may seem like an easy shot to avoid, the truth is that anyone can make this mistake.

The best way to avoid a double cross is by practicing your shots and getting a feel for how your ball will react.
If you are unsure about a particular shot, it is always best to err on the side of caution and choose a different shot. The last thing you want is to end up in the rough or out of bounds because you made a mistake.

What Causes the Double Cross in Golf?

A few things can cause the double cross in golf:

  • An incorrect grip is one of the most common causes of the double cross. If your grip is too weak or too strong, it can cause you to lose control of the club during your swing and hit the ball off-center;
  • Another common cause of the double cross is an over-active left hand during the swing. If you tend to use your left hand to generate power in your swing, it can cause you to lose control of the club and hit the ball off-center;
  • Finally, improper weight distribution can also lead to the double cross. If you are not distributing your weight evenly between your feet, it can cause you to lose balance and control during your swing. This can lead to hitting the ball off-center;

What causes the double cross in golf is when you are aimed left and your route and clubface are both left, but your approach is even more left than your path.

On the other hand, if you’re airing right and your route and clubface are both correct, but the clubface is considerably further to the right than the path [3].

Keep in mind that the ball will begin relative to the face’s orientation at impact, so if the face is pointing right, for example, the ball will start right.

It will then curve away from the route. The push when attempting a draw is due to the clubface being positioned right of the swing path. They all then begin straight and fade or slice to the right.

Example of a Double Cross

The simplest approach to hit a fade is to aim your body a bit to the left at impact, maintaining the clubface slightly open. All you have to do now is hold the clubface a little longer and you’ll get a nice curl in your ball flight.

Example of a Double Cross

The problem is that some golfers become anxious as they approach the golf ball. The notion of a slice pops into their minds all of a sudden, and rather than relying on the fade ball trajectory, they quickly snap their wrists and end up striking a horrible hook.

The golfer will close the clubface in fear of the right side of the course, causing him or her to pull the ball straight to the left.

It’s a “double-cross” because they’ve basically tricked themselves into hitting the ball in the complete opposite direction of what they were trying to do.

This is a double cross since the golfer not only went against their original plan, but they are also in difficulty on the other side of the course.

A double cross is a difficult issue to solve because the mistake it produces is frequently twice as bad as the first well-aimed shot [4].

A slice to a golf shot may cause a golfer’s aim to be way left of the goal, even if the ball is sliced.

If a golfer is aiming left and hits a hook, the shot is likely to go out of bounds.

As a result, the double cross is a poor attempt by a better player.

Why Does a Double Cross in Golf Happen?

The more you become skilled at golf, the more you realize how much the mental game will influence your overall performance. The mental aspect of doubles is what drives the double cross.

The double cross situation can happen when a player is feeling anxious or stressed about their game. This can lead to them making poor decisions, such as taking an unnecessary risk.

There are a few reasons why a player might feel anxious or stressed on the course[5]:

  • One reason could be that they are trying to protect their score;
  • Another reason could be because they are playing with someone who is better than them;
  • Or, they might be playing in a tournament and the pressure is on;

Whatever the reason may be, it is important to try and stay calm and focused while you are playing.

The centers of the two white boxes become one as your head approaches. Because of this, you can’t just focus on getting through the ball in a straight line and having control over it.

Why Does a Double Cross in Golf Happen?

The best method to avoid hitting the double cross is to trust yourself while you play. If you believe in yourself, you will have a lot more success in your golf game.

What Happens When You Overcorrect in Golf?

Oftentimes when we make a mistake in our golf swing, we try to compensate for it by overcorrecting. This can lead to what’s called a “double cross”, where your body and the club end up crossing each other twice during the downswing.

This can cause all sorts of problems, from losing power to hitting the ball way off-center.

The best way to avoid a double cross is to simply be aware of it and make sure that you’re not overcompensating for any mistakes in your swing.

If you feel like you’re about to overcorrect, just take a step back and reset yourself.

It’s also important to stay relaxed throughout your swing, as tension can lead to overcorrection as well. Remember that golf is supposed to be fun, so don’t let one bad shot ruin your entire round!

How to Avoid a Double Cross?

Another way to avoid a double cross is by ensuring that your grip is correct. A good grip will help you maintain control of the club and prevent it from slipping.

Another way to avoid a double cross is by keeping your wrists firm throughout the swing. This will help you keep the club in place and prevent it from moving too much.

How to Avoid a Double Cross?

Finally, make sure to follow through with your swing. This will ensure that the club doesn’t veer off course and hit the ball in the wrong direction.

Golfers who are seeking a neutral stance without the double cross may pull their tee back by just a few inches.

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, the player has less time to close the clubface down and double cross.

You don’t want to make this ball placement too exaggerated; if you do, you risk having other problems.

Again, if you are a golfer who wants to start hitting fades and draws and playing with ball flight, you must spend some time working on these things at the range.

If you find yourself hitting a lot of double crosses, it may be time to consult a professional golf coach. They can help you troubleshoot your swing and make any necessary adjustments. With their help, you can get rid of those pesky double crosses for good!

To Hit a Draw and a Fade, or To Hit The Ball Straight – Which Is Better?

So, you’ve been hitting the ball well lately. You’re making solid contact and the ball is flying straight and true. But you can’t help but wonder if you could be doing even better. After all, everyone talks about how important it is to hit a draw or a fade. Maybe you should be trying to do one of those instead of just hitting the ball straight?

Here’s the thing: there is no “right” way to hit the ball. Sure, some golfers prefer to hit a draw or a fade, but that doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily better than hitting the ball straight. It all comes down to what works best for you and your game.

Therefore, if you’re happy with the way you’re hitting the ball, then there’s no need to change anything. Just keep doing what you’re doing and enjoy your success on the course. But if you feel like you could be doing better, then experiment with hitting a draw or a fade and see how it goes. You never know, you might just find that it helps you take your game to the next level.

Regardless of which method you choose, just remember that practice makes perfect. So, get out there on the range and put in the work. Soon enough, you’ll be hitting the ball exactly the way you want it to go.

How to Fix the Double Cross in Golf?

To execute a push draw, you need a clubface that is 1-3 degrees open to the target line with a 2-4 degree margin of error on either side. This will result in a shot that starts to the right and bends back toward the target.

There is a delicate balance to strike since, if the clubface opens 5 degrees, it will start and fade right; but if your route is only 2-4 degrees right of the target line, you’ll have a long way to go before fading.

To hit a fade, you need a clubface that is up to 1-3 degrees closed to the target line with a path roughly 2-4 degrees left of it [6].

This will result in a ball that starts left and curves back toward the target.

You should aim for a shot that bends away from the target, similar to this one. The image is left-to-right and curves back towards the target. There’s also a fine line when it comes to stance width; if you go too far left, your clubface will start out left and curve left.

How To Measure Your Golf Swing?

There are a few ways to measure your golf swing:

  • One way is to use a device called a launch monitor. Launch monitors can be found at most driving ranges and some pro shops. They use sensors to track the speed, spin, and trajectory of your ball;
  • Another way to measure your golf swing is by videoing yourself and then using software to analyze your swing. This can be done with a smartphone or tablet, as well as with more sophisticated video cameras. There are many swing analysis apps available, some of which are free;

Once you have collected data on your golf swing, you can start to look for patterns and make adjustments accordingly.

How To Measure Your Golf Swing?

For example, if you notice that you tend to slice the ball, you can work on correcting your grip or swing path.

Making small changes to your golf swing can have a big impact on your game. By taking the time to measure and analyze your swing, you can start playing the best golf of your life.

Tips to Avoid a Double Cross in Golf

Keep a Steady Wrist Angles

Make sure your wrist angles are the same as they would be in a normal shot. When we’re concerned about the outcome of a shot, our hands and wrists take over. They’ll attempt to correct the swing by overpowering the larger muscles.

Overall, this is a high-risk procedure in that your hands and wrists should never be separated from the rest of your golf swing.

It’s fine if your last swing before striking your shot is to ensure that you maintain your wrist angle. To avoid the double-cross, you can move the ball backward in your stance to a greater degree while hitting a fade. This additional distance back might occasionally give the golfer less time to close the clubface and double-cross.

Consistent Club Route

To have a more consistent club route, you should maintain the same spine angle throughout your entire golf swing. This will keep the club on the proper path and help you to make solid contact with the ball.

Maintaining your spine angle can be difficult, especially when you are trying to hit a long shot. However, it is important to resist the temptation to increase your spine angle in order to get more distance. Doing so will likely result in a double cross.

If you need help maintaining your spine angle, several drills can be helpful.

One is to place a broomstick across your shoulders and make sure that it doesn’t move during your swing.

Consistent Club Route

Another is to practice swings without a ball, focusing on keeping your spine angle constant.

By following these tips, you can avoid a double cross in your golf swing and hit the ball more consistently. Practice these techniques often so that they become second nature, and you’ll be sure to see your game improve.


How do you stop a double cross?

The best way to stop a double cross is to be aware of the potential for it to happen and take measures to prevent it. If you are playing with someone who you think may try to double cross you, keep an eye on their ball and be sure to protect your own. You can also talk to them about it beforehand and come to an agreement that neither of you will do it.

Double crossing can ruin a game of golf and lead to hard feelings, so it’s best to avoid it if at all possible. But if someone does try to pull a fast one on you, don’t hesitate to call them out on it!

Is golf actually hard?

Golf is often thought of as a difficult game. It requires precision and accuracy, and even the slightest mistake can result in disaster. But what about when things go wrong? What happens when your ball veers off course or you make a bad shot?

The double cross is a term used in golf to describe what happens when a player makes a poor shot or hits their ball into trouble. It’s basically when everything goes wrong and you’re left with no choice but to try and salvage the situation.

How do you fix a snap hook:

  • The first step is to take a deep breath and relax. This will help you to clear your mind and focus on the task at hand, which is fixing your snap hook;
  • Next, you need to check your grip. Many times, a snap hook can be caused by a poor grip on the club. Make sure that you have a firm grip on the club, but not too tight. You should be able to hold the club comfortably in your hand;
  • Another thing to check is your stance. If you are standing too close to the ball, this can cause you to hit it with an angle that will send it hooks instead of straight shots. Move back just a few inches from the ball and try again;
  • Finally, make sure you are swinging the club correctly. A snap hook is often caused by a faulty swing. Practice your swing in slow motion to ensure that you are doing it correctly. Remember to keep your arms straight and to follow through with your swing [7];

What does club laid off mean?

When the ball is struck at a flat angle, it has a tendency to stop short of the intended target. This can be caused by being laid off, as clubs are often positioned too low, making them difficult to square up at impact and leading to a slew of shot faults.

A club pointing down the target line toward the top of the swing will result in more accuracy [8].

How should you golf in the rain?

The best way to golf in the rain is to be prepared. Make sure you have the proper equipment and clothing to keep yourself dry and comfortable.

When possible, avoid playing in thunderstorms or other severe weather conditions. If you do get caught in the rain, take a break as soon as possible to dry off and warm up. Stay safe and have fun!

Useful Video: Another golf tip. The dreaded “double cross”.


  1. https://www.golfcartreport.com/what-is-a-double-cross-in-golf/
  2. https://www.sportslingo.com/sports-glossary/d/double-cross-golf/
  3. https://golfjourney365.com/what-is-a-double-cross-in-golf-causes-and-fixes/
  4. https://www.golfcartreport.com/what-is-a-double-cross-in-golf/
  5. https://www.golfcartreport.com/what-is-a-double-cross-in-golf/
  6. https://golfjourney365.com/what-is-a-double-cross-in-golf-causes-and-fixes/
  7. https://golfguidebook.com/how-to-stop-snap-hooks-in-golf-duck-hooks/
  8. https://www.golfmonthly.com/videos/golf-swing-tips/laid-off-mean-golf