
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

5 Best Putting Books

Best Putting Books

Most recommended
Dave StocktonUnconscious Putting
  • Hardcover: 112 pages
  • English
  • 6.2 x 0.5 x 9.3 inches
A good choice too
Dr Bob RotellaPutting Out of Your Mind
  • Paperback: 224 pages
  • English
  • 8 x 0.5 x 5.3 inches
A good choice too
Dave Pelz Dave Pelzs Putting Bible
  • Hardcover: 416 pages
  • English
  • 7.3 x 1.2 x 9.5 inches
Michael McTeigueBulletproof Putting in Five Easy Lessons
  • Paperback: 136 pages
  • English
  • 5.5 x 0.3 x 8.5 inches
GOLF MagazinGolf The Best Instruction Book Ever
  • Hardcover: 224 pages
  • English
  • 10.2 x 0.8 x 10 inches

Choose the Best Putting Book

Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Putting Books

18 users answered this survey. Please help us improve this review!

50% of users selected Dave Stockton, 5.56% selected Dr Bob Rotella, 33.33% selected Dave Pelz, 0% selected Michael McTeigue and 11.11% selected GOLF Magazin. Every month we analyze your answers and change our rating.

Putting is one of the most important aspects of golf. If you are struggling with your short game, then it may be time for you to invest in a putting book! This guide will explore what makes these books so great and how they can help make you a better golfer.

The best putting books are many times the ones that have great reviews and come highly recommended. This is because they can be used by beginners, experts, or just about anyone who needs help with their game. The benefit of using a book for lessons instead of an instructor means that you can easily take your practice sessions on the road when you cannot travel to your local course every day.

Golf experts will look at some of the best-selling putting books on Amazon, answer common questions about them, offer product reviews and tips to find the perfect book for your skill level.

Unconscious Putting: Dave Stockton’s Guide to Unlocking Your Signature Stroke – the Editor’s choice!

Unconscious Putting dives into the art of putting, but unfiltered. Dave Stockton will teach you all about confidence on the course – how it doesn’t matter if you’re playing proficiently or not, it’s all up to your handshake with the green.

This book boils the act of putting down to its essence. It teaches readers about things like depth perception, balance, alignment through markers on the green surface, cutting across grain lines – all with plenty of visuals to help bring it home. Lots of excellent information and things to remember.

  • Boils the putting to the basics;
  • Teaches how to “feel” the greens;
  • Helps to learn carefree and natural stroke;
  • Too narrative, according to some users;
  • The book is good only for right handers;

Dave Stockton’s Unconscious Putting is a must-have for any golfing enthusiast who struggles with an awkward putting stroke. His guide will give you the know-how of how to perform your best putt ever, every time.

Putting Out of Your Mind by Bob Rotella – the best for the unique mental approach!

Are you putting a golf ball into a hole sounds easy huh? An impossible task for even the best of golfers. However, if you follow Bob Rotella’s advice, putting it on becomes much easier and more successful.

This latest book helps readers master this essential weapon in their bag by presenting a unique mental approach to putt with confidence so they can make every shot! Written in clear and understandable language, this book includes real stories about professional players as well as charts and diagrams to help visualize strategy so it’s not too hard to understand everything!

Entertaining without ever getting dry or boring, Putting Out of Your Mind shows that your mind is an important part of your game: read this book, putt with confidence and then take everyone else out.

  • Explores unique mental approach;
  • Helps to master the essential skill;
  • Clearly written;
  • Easy to read;
  • Includes real stories about professional golfers;

  • No pictures or photos;
  • Too narrative instead of real advice;

When it comes to putting, one missed putt can cost you the whole game. This Bob Rotella book is all about mastering this essential skill with a mental approach that’s so simple, you’ll wonder why you never heard of it before.

Dave Pelz’s Putting Bible: The Complete Guide to Mastering the Green – the best for beginners!

The Dave Pelz Putting Bible is filled with all kinds of wisdom about putting. The book has information on grips, stances, swings, equipment, and more that are perfect for the golfer who needs to develop their skills in this area.

This book is based on the scientific approach to putting but approaches it from a self-teaching format with plenty of detail and illustrations. By relying on photos instead of words at times, there are diagrams showing drills or golfers demonstrating correct form to see for oneself what they should be doing. Each chapter includes practice exercises so the reader can figure out how best to put these tips into action.

  • Good for beginners;
  • Many putting details;
  • Focuses on grips and stance;
  • Helps to adjust body and swing;

  • The outside cover is flimsy;
  • Some people find the scientific explanations too boring or complicated;

Dave Pelz includes tons of useful and engaging information about how to read greens and putts and what each one means for different tee boxes. This is a comprehensive golf-training manual that explains the necessary skills, movements, stances, swings, grips, strokes – all in detail with complete instruction set out for beginners and high handicappers.

Bulletproof Putting in Five Easy Lessons by Michael McTeigue – the best way to learn putting quickly!

Put down the putter and pick up your pencil! Author Michael McTeigue has created this set of five lessons on putting that are easy to read, clear cut, and designed for all levels. It details an easy-to-follow system that reduces the number of variables in your stroke and approach.

Practical instructions with clear directions have been written into detail with bullet points to make it simple to master the basics like green reading skills, stance position, alignment, posture, etc.

  • Easy to read and understand;
  • Easy-to-follow system;
  • Focuses on the practical approach;
  • Clear and quick instructions;
  • Covers only the basics of putting;
  • Some users claim that it is too wordy;

With clear-cut instructions that are really effective, this book by Michael McTeigue offers practical advice on how to be your personal guru of putting all levels of golfers out there.

Golf The Best Instruction Book Ever! Expanded Edition – the best essential golf manual!

This book has all the necessary instructions and tips to make you a better golfer. With over 1,000 photos and recipe-style directions, learning golf is made fun and easy. It was written for those that want specific pointers as well as drills to address common problems such as slicing or hooking shots.

Golf The Best Instruction Book Ever! Expanded Edition is an amazing instructional book that puts together diagrams and pictures with information on how to improve your game.

  • Over 1,000 photographs;
  • Recipe-style directions;
  • Covers essential golf basics;
  • Specific tips to improve your game;

  • Doesn’t focus on putting;
  • Too many illustrations, not enough expert advice;

Are you tired of reading golf magazines? Get all the tips you need in one place, with this quick read. Suitable for players of every level, Golf The Best Instruction Book Ever is simply unmatchable as your go-to resource for improved game performance.

The Buyer’s Guide

Reasons to Buy a Putting Book:

  • By reading the best-selling putting books and taking notes on your favorite tips you can hone in on your skills. Making sure that you keep improving is an excellent way of getting better scores;
  • A great benefit of buying a good putter book is that it’s small enough to fit into any golf bag so there’s no excuse not to have one with you at all times during rounds;
  • The best putting books have helpful diagrams, pictures or charts. They might also include useful tips and advice about golf grips, stances, and routines;
  • You can take notes in it too so that next time around things will be even easier for you on the course! If someone else wants to read yours then they can simply get their own copy;

What to Look for in a Good Putting Book?

The best putting books are easy to read and understand. It’s important that the language is simple enough so you don’t start thinking too much about what it says. Some people like diagrams, pictures, or charts while others prefer lots of text; there isn’t one right way to go here since everyone has their own preference. 

You should look at several different putter books before deciding on which one is going to be your favorite! If possible, try out some sample pages from Amazon first though as not every book might have these available. 

In general, the best putting books will help with things such as:

1) Golf grips

The best putting books will have diagrams or charts about the grip, including how to hold both hands correctly. There are several different ones you can use but it’s likely that one of them is going to work better for your game than the others! It might also be interesting for other people who play golf so don’t forget that even if you aren’t buying a gift then these could still make an excellent present.

Another great thing about reading good putter book reviews is that they often include helpful tips too which means there really isn’t any reason why anyone shouldn’t check out some sample pages first before making a purchase. The last thing want when improving your scores on the green is to buy something useless!

2) Stances 

A difference between the best putter books and others is that they often have pictures of different stances to show you. This might include things like whether your feet should be closer together or further apart, how much weight should go on them etc. 

For example, there are some great putting books that advise about using these for specific types of shots such as backspin (where you need more bodyweight) versus side spin (which requires less).

The best putting book will also tell you what kind of stance to use depending on where the hole is positioned in it’s straight ahead or at an angle so check out lots before making a choice! Some people prefer diagrams over photos while others don’t mind either one but in general, the best putting book will have both kinds available.

3) Putting tips

The best putter books are also going to include helpful tips for things like green speed and break etc. It’s important not just to know how fast one green is versus another but actually getting used to them so you can make accurate shots time after time! Every hole has its own kind of breaks too which means that developing a good sense of this is key when learning how to do it successfully on your own. 

Even if you aren’t planning on buying anything right now, reading some sample pages from Amazon could still be really useful since there might be something interesting in every single one of them no matter what they’re about or who wrote them! You’ll then be able to make an informed choice when you do end up buying one.

4) Putting practice

Some of the best putting books also include practice drills that are designed for helping your game progress further or faster than normal! If possible, it’s always a good idea to try out these before making any actual purchase so take advantage of Amazon preview pages if at all possible and see what they recommend first. 

This will give you some insight into whether this book really is going to be worth purchasing or not, no matter who wrote it in the first place! It might even help save money by knowing which ones aren’t as great as others too which means saving funds for something else instead.

Learning Putting Benefits:

  • You can do it anywhere, even if you don’t have a putting green near your home. Any level of golfer can benefit from learning how to putt better. Whether you are taking lessons or just looking for some books and videos on the topic, there is something out there that will help improve your game and lower your scores;
  • It’s great mental training. Putting is often the most overlooked part of a player’s game, but it can help you lower your scores and make more putts when they matter most;
  • You will feel like a pro once you start sinking those long ones. Learning how to properly read greens and pick apart slopes with correct speed will take your putting from good to fabulous in no time flat;
  • It may seem difficult at first, but after some practice on the green or working through one of these best books ever on proper form, players are bound to strike gold every time they step up onto the green ready for action;


Why does your ball hop when you putt?

The answer to this question is not one-hundred percent, but the most likely explanation for your ball jumping off of the putting green when you putt has to do with friction. Friction occurs between two objects that are moving across each other (like a golf club and a golf ball), or if an object moves along another surface (such as the ground). 

When there isn’t enough friction between these surfaces, then things can fly out of control! The tricky part about stopping something from flying “out of control” is figuring out how much frictional force needs to be applied in order to grab hold again. Some putting books explain this problem in detail.

Where do you look when putting?

There are three places you should look when putting: first, at the hole; second, down your putter shaft or stroke line; and third, through your eyes. These tips will help keep your head steady throughout the entire swing by preventing over-rotation of the upper body (a common problem among amateur golfers).

Do you look at the ball or putter when putting?

Many people look at the ball or putter when putting and it simply makes sense to do so. The stance is a bit different from normal shots and if you don’t keep your eyes on the target, you could miss what line you want to take by quite a ways which will cause your shot to go off course. To make sure this doesn’t happen, always focus on keeping your eye on the hole as much as possible during all parts of both setup and stroke.

What do pros look at when putting?

The best putting books are the ones that teach you how to implement a proper grip. Professional golfers have great grips, which means they have their hands perfectly placed on the putter at the address for each shot. A good book will show you where your hands should be in relation to the clubface and ball position when setting up your stance. 

The best way to practice and become a better putter is by finding the right putting book. The first thing that you should look for in any good putting book are drills that have specific goals, like practicing your green reading skills or focusing on developing an effective pre-shot routine. You need to find exercises that will challenge you but won’t be too difficult so as not to discourage you from continuing with your training regimen. 

By using these types of drill routines, giving yourself adequate time before each shot, gradually increasing the difficulty level over several weeks, and making adjustments based on how well you perform during your sessions will guarantee improvement when it comes to becoming more accurate at hitting dead center with your putts.

Where do you hit the ball when putting?

You will want to focus on hitting the center of your putter’s face. It is important that you know where the sweet spot is for each club at all times since not doing so can result in a miss-hit or poor contact with the ball.

How do you get a smooth putting stroke?

A smooth putting stroke is more about rhythm than anything else is. The ball travels on the green, its path affected by gravity and friction with the ground. As you putt, your body will naturally want to find a rhythm that feels natural for both of these forces working together in tandem. Some folks have quick hands while others are slow but steady – either way can work just fine as long as it’s consistent!

Should the putter go straight back?

The putter should move in a straight line back, but the hands are actually moving slightly inward during this movement. This is because of an early release to ensure that your wrists stay firm yet flexible throughout the putting stroke.

Research shows that you have about half a second before impact with the ball for maximum power transfer, so it’s important not to rush through this process too quickly.

Why is sidesaddle putting illegal?

Sidesaddle putting is illegal in professional golf competitions because it gives players an unfair advantage. Professional golfers use the same type of putter that average people do, and one can say that side-saddling makes it easier for weak players to win tournaments. 

However, some argue that if a player has practiced this technique enough then they should not be restricted from using it during matches. This debate will likely continue until another method is created which allows equal opportunity for all amateur competitors without making any significant change to the game itself.

Can you change balls to putt?

Yes, if you are using an inflatable ball. If it’s a solid rubber or plastic one, don’t try to change it. As long as your putting stroke is consistent and not too jerky, it won’t matter much what kind of ball you use for the exercise.

How does your weight shift when putting?

Weight shift is an important part of your putting mechanics. Your weight should be evenly distributed at the top, and you should finish with slightly more weight on the left foot than right. With longer putts, it might feel like extra weight needs to go onto your front or backside but that’s not how it works!

Video Tutorial: Putting Advice From Legendary Short Game Guru Dave Pelz

Final thoughts 

So, are you tired of making the same mistakes over and over in your short game? Are you looking to improve your putting skills so that one day soon you can break 80 on a consistent basis? If either is true, then it may be time for you to invest in a putting book! These guides will give you all sorts of great tips about how to get better at this important part of golf. The key thing when buying these books is finding one with exercises tailored specifically to your skill level.