- Hand Orientation: Right
- Shaft Material: Steel
- Loft: 56 Degrees

- Hand Orientation: Right
- Shaft Material: Steel
- Loft: 64 Degrees

- Hand Orientation: Right
- Shaft Material: Steel
- Loft: 56 Degrees

- Hand Orientation: Left
- Shaft Material: Steel
- Loft: 50 Degrees

- Hand Orientation: Right
- Shaft Material: Steel
- Loft: 52 Degrees
Choose the Best Wedge for Backspin
Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Wedges for Backspin
34 users answered this survey. Please help us improve this review!
Wedge is a club with a reduced loft that makes it easier to get the ball in the air and stop it on shorter grass. Wedges are also called “lob wedges” because they can help you land your shot close to or even over an obstacle such as trees, bunkers, etc.
What separates wedges from other clubs is the fact that they are designed to achieve maximum loft, which means you can hit lower shots with them. This is how these types of clubs help golfers lift their ball over obstacles and land it on the desired spot.
If you’re having trouble hitting your long irons or pitching wedge because of too much backspin, then using another club might be the right thing for you. Wedges are great tools when it comes to getting out of sand traps thanks to the low trajectory required by every shot played with this type of club. Landing close to the green but not in the sand is what makes wedges one of the most popular choices among players worldwide.
What is the best wedge for backspin? The answer to this question can be difficult because there are many different wedges that will produce the desired effect. This article will guide you through some popular options, and provide reviews of each one so that you can make an informed decision when choosing your next set of wedges!
Table of Contents
Wilson Harmonized Golf Wedge – the Editor’s choice!

It’s got a sleek and shiny design for stylish and professional looks (perfect for those who like to look good on course!) And there’s no better value anywhere: at such an affordable price these clubs will last you up to four years which makes them not only functional but also cost-effective!
Give your game the ultimate upgrade with Wilson Harmonized Wedge. Whether you’re an aspiring amateur or a pro, these golf wedges will take your game to new heights. The high-quality steel shafts offer greater accuracy and our long-lasting heads are tough yet very forgiving overall.
Pinemeadow Right-Handed Wedge – the best price!

The new design features a unique, high-quality construction that not only looks amazing (especially when you get it before anyone else does) but also ensures extraordinary performance for players of all levels. With its large face area and affordable price, this wedge will quickly become one of your go-to clubs in your bag.
This is the best quality wedge on the market without being so inexpensive you don’t want to risk losing it. The face area for this product outperforms any other wedge available with a high-priced steel shaft and lightweight body made from premium Pinemeadow steel.
This affordable wedge is the perfect addition to any golfing bag. It comes in a variety of sizes and has some amazing features including its flexibility, affordability, and high-quality steel.
Cleveland Golf Men’s 588 RTX Bounce Tour Satin Wedge – the best for consistency!

With a new micro-milled Rotex face pattern, these wedges are sure to get you out of whichever bunker you’re sitting in. And with added deep grooves and more surface roughness than ever before, you’ll have nothing but good things left for your short game.
So whether you’ve got a tricky shot against a tree line or are facing an impossible putt, break out the wedge for optimum performance your round deserves.
The Cleveland Golf Men’s 588 RTX Bounce Tour Satin Wedge is built for all golfers, with the most micro-roughness allowed by the USGA who are looking to get creative around the green. With an attractive price point and one of our top designs in wedges, you’ll be confident in your short game from anywhere on the course.
Callaway Mack Daddy 3 Chrome S-Grind Wedge – the best for groove optimization!

Choose your ground conditions (normal, soft, or firm) and either a sweeping attack angle or a more moderate approach for optimal spin rates whenever you need them!
The most technologically advanced wedge in golf. It’s the versatility and selection you need to get up and down from anywhere, no matter what lie or condition. Don’t waste time with your game; equip yourself with the best wedge for backspin.
The new Callaway Mack Daddy 3 Chrome S-Grind Wedge takes golf to the next level with its innovative technology. The undeniable sole grinds are nothing short of genius, giving you the upper hand out on the green every time. Play any shot, in any condition!
Cleveland Golf CBX 2 Wedge – the best for forgiveness!

With an enhanced feel and a reduced vibration insert, you’ll experience a pure feel inside the clubface at impact even when you hit your shot off-center. You can rely on our ultra-sharp tour zip grooves and aggressive face milling that deliver maximum spin while giving great control in the short game areas of these courses.
The Cleveland Golf CBX 2 Wedge is perfect for any golfer who wants the most forgiveness, spin, and control possible. It’s in a lightweight stock with an amazing feel, in an overall nice shape that really sets up your shots well.
The Buyer’s Guide
Main Features:
- Material
Wedges can be made from a few materials:
- Stainless steel and carbon fiber shafts. The most common and the cheapest option, an excellent choice for players with a low handicap;
- Graphite shafts are lighter than stainless steel but they’re more expensive;
- Shaft made from one material (for example only graphite) is usually better as it provides less vibration at impact by eliminating unnecessary components that may reduce accuracy or feel;
The two most common types of wedges are cast and forged, with both having their own benefits depending on what you want out of your wedge set.
Cast clubs have been given the nickname “cookie-cutter” because they’re pressed at high pressure into molds which shape them to specifications before being finished off by cutting grooves in the clubhead for precision spin control. These clubs often feature large sweet spots but lose some durability due to how thin it is compared to forged models.
Forged golf clubs use material heated up above 1000F so the metal becomes malleable enough for manufacturers to mold it into any design they please, giving each club its unique weight distribution and feel.
Forged clubs are generally considered to have more control than cast clubs, but some say this is not true anymore due to the advancement of technology in creating one design for all players with each club being engineered so that it can be distinguished from another by its weight distribution and size rather than where or how they were crafted.
- Length
There is a variety of wedge lengths, but the most common ones are between 46 and 52 inches. The length of your club will depend on a number of factors:
- Your height – shorter people typically need to use longer golf clubs than taller players. If you are over six feet tall and very stiff, there is a chance that your height will make it hard for you to get around the ball with enough speed. In this case, using shorter wedges might actually help improve accuracy by making it easier to strike through the back of the golf ball when hitting from tough lies;
- If you have long legs or short arms – if you have long legs then it may be better for you to choose wedges that are slightly shorter due to more leverage being available from your swing arc, whereas if you have short arms then a slightly longer club may be better;
- Your flexibility – flexible players can typically handle more length in their clubs than inflexible players;
If these factors all suggest – an average 52-inch wedge would suit best. But they aren’t quite right, one option is to purchase offset or blade style irons which can give some people who don’t fit into “standard” dimensions just a bit of extra help they need to be able to swing the club as they would a standard wedge.
- Grip
The grip of the wedge is one feature that sets it apart from other clubs in your bag. A good gripping surface can help you control shots, make contact with the ball easily and prevent the club head from twisting during impact. The smaller diameter also allows for a more precise touch around the green or when chipping close to a pin location.
There are many different types of grips. The right grip is important for your swing and to feel comfortable with the club in hand.
Here are some things that you should consider when choosing a wedge:
1) Grip material
Grips can be made from rubber, leather, or cord.
Just like other clubs, the materials used will help determine how well it fits into your hands (comfortability). Rubber has more traction than any material that allows for better control over shots. However, if they get wet then they become slippery.
Leather is very durable but does not give as much feedback as cord so it may take time getting adjusted to this type of grip- especially if you’re transitioning down from an oversized driver head size there was lots of feedback!
Cord grips are the most popular and common. They give you a good grip on the club without having to be as careful of it getting wet.
2) Grip size
Generally, if you have small hands, then choose an oversized grip so that more of your hand can fit around it. If you have bigger hands – go for a standard size or midsize depending on how big your hands are compared to other people’s (you don’t want to overtighten).
3) Wedge grinds/style
The grind is also known as “cannelures” and these help control turf interaction when contacting ground shots at specific points in the club head face.
The most common types are:
- Square or U-Grind – has square edges with rounded corners at the heel & toe which help when chipping close to your feet from about 30 yards out. It’s less likely to catch turf when coming into the green (less resistance) and it has control over shots that go left and right but not much else without making adjustments on where you strike down on the ball, etc.;
- V-Grind – more aggressive pattern than other grinds because of its “angled” shape; designed for precision short play around greenside bunkers or tight lies (hitting off hardpan dirt). Very useful if you tend to hit shots with lots of backspin when you’re in between clubs (usually around 125 yards out);
- Chisel – this type is the “middle ground” because it’s not too aggressive or soft. You can get away with hitting this club into tight lies and difficult terrain but still, have good control over where the ball ends up going off its face- especially if you tend to spend a lot of your short game shots sky high! A favorite pick for many golfers who are just starting out playing on courses that require more precision than power;
- Speed
Speed ratings are important because you want to get the most spin possible on your shots.
If a wedge is too fast, it will launch into the air when hit with a backspin or not slide across the green for sidespins.
If it’s too slow, then there won’t be enough given and you might lose distance in your swing.
The speed rating of wedges ranges from -90 (slowest) to 100 (fastest):
- -90.0 to -20. Slow wedges that offer little spin and distance, but high accuracy needed for short shots around the green;
- -19.0 to +30. These are mid-range wedges designed for players with good swing speed who want a medium amount of backspin on their shots;
- +31.0 to 50. Fast wedges provide more backspin than other clubs while being easier to hit because they have greater MOI (moment of inertia);
- 50+. Very fast clubs don’t achieve as much spin or control, but can get maximum distance from your swings when you need it most;
- Angle of attack
Wedge’s angle of attack is the angle between the clubface and a vertical plane. This angle affects the spin rate, speed, trajectory height as well as backspin that can be created by a wedge.
As a general rule, the more you open your face at the address, the less bounce and backspin will be generated. On an iron shot, this is not a huge deal because there isn’t much difference from one club to another in terms of launch angle. But on wedges, it can make a major difference – especially if you tend to hit shots low with plenty of spins (for example, short-game bunker shots or very soft pitches).
In these instances having too little bounces/backspin could mean that the ball just sits down instead of flying up into the air off the green – making for long putts and difficult chip shots.
Wedge Care and Maintenance:
- Wash your wedges with a brush and mild soap;
- Do not use an abrasive pad or scrub to clean the grooves, as this will ruin them! More importantly, it can damage the clubface itself;
- If you wish to remove rust from your wedges, simply apply some lemon juice or vinegar straight onto a rag then rub it into both sides of the clubhead until all rust has been removed from both faces. Make sure that you rinse away any residue before using it for golfing purposes again;
- If you wish to clean rust off your wedges, simply apply some lemon juice or vinegar straight onto a rag and rub it into both sides of the clubhead until all rust has been removed from both faces. Make sure that you rinse away any residue before using it for golfing purposes again;
- Be careful when storing your wedges in their bags – make sure they are dry first. If there is moisture present within the grooves after washing/cleaning them, this can cause corrosion on your wedge(s). This will lead to the irons needing more force behind them in order to get a decent spin on the ball;
- Do not store your wedges in their bag when it contains moisture, as this will cause corrosion;
Which wedges have the most spin?
While all wedges can generate some spin, it’s important to be aware that the amount of backspin you get is largely influenced by how well your wedge lies. Wedge heads with more offset tend to produce higher amounts of backspin than those with less.
When the center of gravity is lower, more backspin will be generated. Most wedges have a cavity-back design that sits low to reduce drag and maximize distance as well as spin around the green.
How do you get more backspin on your wedges?
Here is what you can try:
- The proper way to grip the club is more important than you might think. The handle should be in line with your forearm and palm, not turned toward or away from your body. This will ensure that you are able to hit down on the ball properly for backspin;
- The proper distance from the ball is important for getting a backspin. For an optimal spin, you should be about a club length away from the golf ball;
- A good swing speed will help your chances of getting backspin on your shots as well. However, remember that this won’t count if you don’t have all three factors together in order to get it right;
How do golf pros get backspin?
You should know about backspin a few key things.
First, golf professionals get backspin by creating friction between the clubface and the ball on impact.
Next, they make sure to hit down on the ball with their irons in order to create enough of an angle for a spin at that point of contact.
Finally, after making contact with the ball it is essential that they follow through properly so as not to kill all momentum generated from their swing at this crucial moment. If you’re looking into getting more spin while playing your own game then consider using one of these wedges instead!
What is the best wedge for chipping?
It is important to consider a few factors when choosing the best wedge for chipping. A good, all-purpose option would be a standard pitching wedge with an open face and high loft that can get underneath the golf ball easily.
Other useful features include;
- weighting in the sole of the clubhead;
- a soft turf interaction design;
- a minimal bounce angle at impact (which helps prevent digging);
A pitching wedge is a great option for chipping. It has an open face designed to get the ball up in the air quickly, but also a high loft for easy ball spin to make it stop on any green surface. The weighting of this clubhead helps with the backspin and getting underneath the golf ball easily without digging into turf or sand. This makes it one of your best options when looking at wedges for chipping!
What are the easiest wedges to hit?
2 types of wedges will be easier for beginners to hit than others will. They are sand wedges and lob wedges, as both have a unique shape that makes them more forgiving on the clubface when struck slightly off-center. Sand wedges tend to be thicker from heel to toe, while lob wedges stick out further at the bottom near the soleplate.
This is an attempt by manufacturers to reduce sidespin during contact with a ball below waist height. If you’re just getting into golf or working on your short game around the green it can pay dividends to choose one of these “easier-to-hit” models over standard pitching wedge designs if possible – but still try other clubs in different settings before settling on one.
How far should you hit a 60-degree wedge?
This will depend on how well you hit the ball, but as a general rule of thumb, most people would recommend that 60 degrees are around the maximum distance for which beginners should be using this type of wedge. However, if you are a beginner who is struggling to keep the ball in play with your lob wedge then it may be time to upgrade.
A 60-degree wedge can also be used for approach shots when coming into greens from around 100 yards away. Professionals will often use these clubs on tightly-mowed lies where they need maximum spin so that the ball doesn’t run too far past the hole.
There is no right answer about how far you should hit a 60-degree but there definitely comes a point when it becomes more efficient and easier to have another club or just take an extra couple of steps back before hitting out.
How far should you hit a 56-degree wedge
When it comes to the best wedges for backspin, a 56-degree wedge is good for shorter distances. You can use this type of club when you need that extra distance from your usual lob shot or chip shot. In terms of how far you can hit a 56-degree wedge, it will depend on your swing. If you have the power to get the ball into that distance, then go for it! You might need more or less, though depending on where your shot is going.
Typically, a 56-degree wedge is a good club for players looking to maximize distance. If you’re someone who struggles with short irons, this could be the right fit for you! For example, the VokeySM 60 was designed specifically as an answer to those suffering from the dreaded yips and can help increase your confidence at address.
The Vokey model features a wider sole that helps lift shots over grass and other obstacles on the course while still maintaining a penetrating trajectory through turf or sand. You’ll find it easy to land soft ground shots around greens with the minimal rollout, allowing for more putts which will result in improved scoring opportunities overall.
How can I hit my wedges better?
First of all, don’t just practice on a driving range – play some holes! Practice hitting wedges from different distances in order to get used to swinging at a full pace while making sure you have enough time before reaching your target zone to slow down if needed. This way not only do you improve your distance control but also develop finesse when striking shots close-to or right next to obstacles such as trees and bunkers; think of them as moving targets.
Practice with sand wedges to improve your bunker play – it’s very common for amateur golfers to struggle when finding the sand with their regular wedge shots, so if you’re one of those players spend some time practicing only in the sand and revisit your driver game later on!
Consider getting fitted by a professional at least once or ask friends who are into golf what they think about their clubs’ performance before purchasing new ones.
Before buying anything make sure you know how each type of head affects ball flight (loft, weight distribution, etc.), this will help you achieve higher accuracy than just following someone else’s advice without knowing whether or not it’s actually right for you.
Are Smithworks wedges legal?
Smithworks wedges are legal for play in all USGA events.
Do you want to spin on a golf ball?
This is a very important question since you will need to know your goal in order to choose the right wedges. If you want more control over spin, then go with milder models like Mack Daddy about here. But if all you are looking for is power and distance, stronger models like Tour Preferred should be better suited for your game.
Do you want a sand wedge or lob wedge?
It all comes down to your short game. If you are still working on improving your approach shots, go with a pitching wedge first since it has the lowest angle of attack and can help develop better contact skills. A sand wedge is best for those who have mastered their high-to-low shot technique as well as chipping from around the green, so they should consider this model instead.
Lob wedges offer something in between – longer than any other club at address but shorter than others upon impact due to their low center of gravity which makes them ideal for beginners. So if you would like an easy way into learning how to control spin through proper striking mechanics, then a lob wedge is a great choice.
Video Tutorial: How To Put Backspin On Your Wedges
Final thoughts
Choosing the best wedge is an important decision. Whether you are an avid golfer or just someone who enjoys playing around on weekends, finding a quality set of wedges for backspin that work for your game can be difficult because there are so many options available. Hopefully, this guide has helped inform you about some popular choices and give you enough information to make an informed choice when picking out your next set of clubs!
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